Wednesday, January 28, 2009


It's kind of fly when you know someone with substantial talent, personally. Like, this girl I went to highschool with, a real sweetheart, apparently with an amazing voice that I never heard until a few months ago. Amy "ammu" Varghese. And I can't just sit back and hear her crazy unique and perfect voice without saying something about it. I told her I was going to blog about her, because I think that people need to hear her talent, and she deserves the all the praise she gets, for sure.

So check her out, I know you'll love her. I didn't know this voice could come out of her like it does! ha. Links to more music at the bottom.


-A Dream is a Wish-

More ammu music


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Aw, Sammy Sam

Photograph by: Samantha Cooper
[search her on facebook, man.]

i met a real cool chick last year who just so happens to love photography. Her pictures are madd nice, and we went out the other night to see Biggie, so we got to have a lil photoshoot.

I was pretty hype, I can't lie.
Shout out to Calvin and Bryan, our wonderful dates for the night.

Calvin had the best nerd face. pah.

Hi bryan!

it got a lil nippy out there.



I'm always looking forward to my new classes each semester. My Mass Media classes the most of course, but it seems that each semester I always seem to get at least one crazy dumb teacher that starts the semester off salty, and ends it quite bitchy. This semester is Ms. Stephens for my Multimedia Newswriting & Reporting class. Because of registration issues (CAU is always good for dropping my classes hella quick), to being out of town to witness history (Mr. Prez Obama :]), I was unable to make it to the first few sessions of class. Lucky me, it turned out that I only missed the first day, and the second and third day were cancelled because of MLK Day, and other reasons. So I thought I would be good for class yesterday. I find out that Ms. Stephens assigned an 8 page paper on the first day of class due yesterday... Hmm. After I let her know that this was my first time in the class, she tells me I can turn it in on Wed.

i need to know why i get 2 days to write an 8 page paper and everyone else gets a week and a half. salty already.

Lucky for me, again, I have no classes on Tues. or Thurs. so I said I would spend all day today writing this paper, which I have, for the most part. But then at the end of class (here comes the killer) she busts us with another paper. 5 pages over Inauguration. Huh? Can I just email her the 87543754 pictures and videos I have of my time in D.C and call it even?

Basically, I am in the computer lab, bum going numb (lol), trying to finish 14 pages of bullshit. I mean, I can easily write a paper over my Prez, but a 5 page ARTICLE? When is the last time you saw a 5 page article? never. Articles aren't that long, man. Good thing I'm stuck in this shit because the add/drop period was Friday.


I'm a nerd in the library poutin' like it's the end of the world.
[what else is new?]

Monday, January 26, 2009

hmm. jesse boykins III

I think he's a lil' cutie actually. No lies. and the homie stevie just put me on. I like what I hear, and apparantly so did some producer.

His album The Beauty Created is in stores.. i think. But check out his Youtube page.

Good stuff.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

oh johnny boy,

Im quite smitten with several various artists, and they don't usually change.. so John Legend has been my love from the get, and this song has been on repeat for a good minute.

If Youre Out There - John Legend

hmm.. my birthday is coming up soon.. April 14th. A private serenade from Mr. Legend is on my wish list.


So I just saw the Biggie movie last night. Unlike some people I loved it and have no complaints, but apparantly Lil' Kim does as we all know. I was dying laughing while I was reading a post on Lil' Kim talking about how horrible of an actress naturi was and blah blah blahh.. she's just mad because she wasn't number one on Biggie's list, Faith was. Too bad. ha

quoted from

“I feel like I was not portrayed how I should have been in this movie. I was in love with BIG and he was in love with me. I was never a JUMP-OFF, I know this and BIG knew this. I wasn’t even able to choose who I wanted to portray me in this movie. I would have never picked Naturi, she doesn’t have a Lil Kim aura at all! She looks nothing like I looked back then. We have NO similarities. Watching her on-screen was so “dreadful” as Simon Cowell would say. She is tasteless and talentless. Never once did she contact me for input or to get a feel of me for the character. A “TRUE” actress would contact the source to be the best they can be in portraying someone. That told me right there, she wasn’t right for the part and not to mention, Naturi has got to be one of THE worst actresses I’ve ever seen and I can’t believe they chose her. I really can’t!
Another thing is, I have been dealing with legal matters as far as them not wanting to pay me and sh*t for this movie, got a lawyer involved, so everything is cool with that, but it still doesn’t change my views and feelings. This is truly Faith and Ms. Wallace’s movie. And Ms. Wallace is right, this isn’t a Lil’ Kim movie and it’s not about me. I didn’t want it to be about me, I wanted it to be REAL though. And that it is NOT. I take no part in this movie and have nothing to do with it. I love BIG and will never stop reppin him. There is NOTHING anyone can do about it. The world will see the Lil Kim story, THE REAL ME! Not some made up bullshit portrayed by a talentless has-been back up singer.”

ha. she trippin'. nothin unusual though. I'm sure I would trip too if they had some random pop star drop out playing my hardcore personality on the big screen. I mean, her ex-group members are now cheetah girls, and she decides to make her big screen debut as lil' kim showin titties in her 3rd scene! ha.

anyways. let's just get back to biggie. keep it juicyyyyy :]

Juicy - Notorius B.I.G.

Witnessing History

Just a few pictures from my trip to D.C for President Obama's inauguration ceremony. let's just say it was mad cold, with 2 million people all trying to get the closest spot to the capitol. Gates opening up at 4 am, 2 hour metro train rides, hiking around alternate routes to designated standing areas, pushing and shoving, and funky people who clearly had no time to shower before heading out, and hearing Obama say his vowes to all of America, making him the 44th President of the United States.

Texas Representative Ralph Hall, after he presented us with our tickets to the Inauguration 2009

Freezing. The night before Inauguration.
We were cordially invited. lol

Our view from where we stood during the ceremony. You should see the mass amount of people who were behind us. Simply ridiculous.
But it was all worth it.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Hello D.C

2009 Presidential Inauguration-the Buck family will be present with 17 cameras to capture each history making moment. And when my family goes to dinner with Obama's family, I'll be sure to get them on candid camera for ya'll. (lol) ok, not really, but that would be pretty bomb, eh? Well, keep it funky, and be sure to watch the Inauguration Tuesday live on CNN.

Look out for me passing through the crowd and sitting next to Michelle (yes, we are on a first name basis thanks) behind the already paid for bullet proof glass that will be used for the next 8 years, ha.

Peace & Love.
Pictures soon. You already know.

Friday, January 9, 2009


this is my baby

this is my ma

Welcome - Ben Westbeech
this is my song.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

So many dilemmas, yet so many blessings.

Hmm.. which do you want first? Dilemma or blessing?

I'll save the good stuff for last.

My computer is still broke. yayy. So I have to use my ma's company computer to check my email and all that good stuff. Ummm, I can't get on facebook because it's blocked. I can't link music or videos to my blogs because it's blocked. And, I can't watch my tv shows online like I usually do because I'm always working so I miss them, because it's blocked. Wow. So for now, all you get is text. But I swear to make it good!

My sister is always puttin me up on new music, and I love her to death for that because she has really good taste in all kinds of music. There's this british, or english band called CSS, and I've had them on repeat for like a week now. I wish I could link some of their songs, but I suppose I'll save that for later.

Soooo BETTER News

One of my bestfriend's Briana's mom is a lawyer, and got the warrant taken off my record, so I don't have to pay $400 or do defensive driving. Thank you Jesus. But the tags on my OLD car are expired so I'm still not driving. yay. lol


My mother, the best person in the entire world, had a Chrysler 300 company car. A few weeks ago, her job told her it was time for a new car, and they gave her the option of buying her 2007 Chrysler for $10,000. Hmm... Guess what I got for Christmas?

Yessss... I'm whippin the 300 back to Atlanta. I'm kinda totally definitely completely extremely SUPED about this. Let me tell you, I went from driving a 1991 Chevy Cavilier. Two door. red. Manual everything (windows, locks, stick shift) To a 2007 Chrysler 300. 4 door. black(the sparkly black lol). automatic EVERYTHING.

Now there's the blessing.

Ooo, and ONE more thing. Somehow my ma got tickets for me, my sister, brother, and her to be inside the gates of the 2009 Presidential Inaguration. Woot. I'm going to be in the presence of history.

And that's that.