Monday, May 11, 2009


I feel like I need to let all my friends from back home know what the real deal is real quick. Don't worry, this will only take a minute. You guys can take it how you want it, it's up to you, but I'm already tired of explainin myself 75483754732 times to 758748675 different people every single day.

All I have been hearing is, "jess!, when are you coming back to dallas? we need to hang out i havent talked to you in so long!".

Number one. I'm not coming home this summer. Sorry for ya. I have a good job out here, an apartment, and a wonderful Internship with a magazine. I believe after reading that last sentence you will realize that I am following my dreams right now, which is the initial reason that I came to Atlanta in the first place. So, why would I go home to Dallas? to chill with you guys? I mean, that would be really fun and cool, but I would be doing NOTHING productive with my talents, besides working at Nick's again. (love you stan, but no siir).

Number two. If i have not talked to you in months, why are you all of the sudden BLOWING UP MY PHONE asking me when I'm coming home. Why do you all of the sudden care now about how I have been and want to hang out so bad? I don't have enough minutes in the day to let you know how my entire school year has been, becuase I haven't gotten a call from you in six months or more.

I hate it when dudes really start calling again from home when school is out, hella excited to see me, but I aint talked to them in dumb long. You were NOT thinking of me on jan. 22, march 19 or april 10th. [random days], I mean, thanks for the bday wishes on april 14th, but you just started thinking of me May 9th when school let out. nice try, but you will not get NO play.

I love living out here in Atlanta, and wherever my career takes me is where I will be. I still love my friends from back home so much, but if we don't talk for a while, that doesn't mean that we aren't friends! It just simply means that we each have our own lives and have our own things going on.

no worries, you're still the baddest. just in another state. you all can come visit me whenever you want, it aint nothing but a phone call and a standby flight!


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Cinco De Mayo

Oh, anddd it's cinco de mayo?

Any holiday is an excuse to party, that's my motto!!!


grab a corona.


street report magazine


I absolutely love my internship. Kim is hella bomb (editor-in-chief) and general looks out for me like no other (owner).

Finals are done, I have a project to turn in tomorrow morning, and then it's all summmmmerrrrrtimeeee yesss...

moving into bianca's house tomorrow too.. until we move into OUR apartment at the end of the month. im dumb exicted. permanent sleepover. haa

I'm interviewing Travis Porter in a few minutes, they got that song "black boy white boy" we'll see how that goes lol.

Im real excited about this summer though. I'll be working, in my own apartment, and doing my internship.. busy busy busy but I dont care I love how things are going now.

Andddd I have 6 album reviews in this months issue of street report magazine. woot! I'm bout to have this interview wit Travis Porter in next months, along with more album reviews, and my own spread. Can you say, I AM THE BADDEST? lol im too hype.

Check out the website though, I blog on there too.. and you can subsribe to street report magazine too now! subscribe so you can see my stuff each month!
