Friday, February 27, 2009


I found me a boy.

enough said.
now im happy.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Father Figure.

So if you didn't know, before last week, I had not seen my daddy since I was like 15. But, he came to visit me over the Valentines holiday, so I was hella juiced. Good times. Enough said.

i love my daddy.


I'm really avoiding writing this dumb paper for my Mass Comm. class due tomorrow. I hate being made to write about madd boring stuff. I'd rather be expressing myself on my blog or something. That's how I realized that I really need to end up writing for an entertainment magazine, so I can kind of be in my element that I'm comfortable in, and so that I can really show who I am in my writing. I don't want to end up stressing over deadlines because I cannot come up with the material because I care nothing about it.

That was totally sidebar btw. ahem *clears throat*

Bianca Turner basically forced me to get into this Twitter thing. Um, I suppose you just keep updating your status like on facebook, and then check back every .754795 seconds to see if someone commented on it or something. Ha. I don't really understand any of it, except that I'm supposedly "following" Solange Knowles on Twitter, and she updates her status constantly during the day. That may be the only thing I can say that I have gotten out of Twitter. I always know what Necole Bitchie and Solange Knowles are doing.

My life is complete. Obviously.
I'm taking my booty to sleep now, I guess I'll finish my paper in the morning.
Ugh. Ms. Stephens. 9am. No bueno.


Aye, why is my boo Pharrell about to turn 36 this year!!!!!

I'd still marry his ass. No lies.
Be sure to tell my hubby Happy Birthday April 3rd. Anndddd thennnnnn, just 11 days later, April 14th.. you all can wish me a Happy Birthday.

I'll be 20. :]


Drizzy Drake Rogers

-consider me the reason yall should pay attention-
Drizzy Drake Rogers

Sunday, February 22, 2009

In love. Story of my LIFE.

Of course I have been playing Drake's new mixtape So Far Gone, in my car nonstop since I downloaded it the day it came out. I can't really say that I dislike any of the tracks, otherwise I would not have the CD on repeat, yea? Anyways, I don't even have to hear any feedback from anyone else on how they like or dislike the mixtape, because I know for a fact that this mixtape is launching his career to new high he probably couldn't even imagine. No lies. The CD is hella bomb, and I been hearing madd niggas bumpin it in their cars as well as chicks like me. It's a hit, to say the least. And, as I always have since he was the nappy headed Jimmy on Degrassi, I love Drake man. And not in the little teenie bopper "I love N'Sync kind of way. I love Drake as a artist, and uh yea, he is a studmuffin. But his music is crack, and everybody knows it. He's lucky he linked up with Trey Songz and Weezy for sure. I mean, he was raw, but being on ONE track, let alone 8754754354389 with Weezy F. Baby [Please say the Baby], like Drake has, is going to get you noticed.

And Drake is definitely being noticed. Big time Poppa.

And now to one of my fav. songs on the mixtape.


I'm so confused on why this whole Chris Brown and Rihanna issue is such a big deal. I understand everything about domestic abuse not being okay and blah blah blah; I know I would make a huge deal if my boo knocked me sideways, but it's really only because they were seen as the "perfect" celebrity couple, the young Beyonce and Jay-Z if you will, that the press and tabloids have made such a huge deal about this.

I know that my father has put his hands on my mother before way back when they were still married. A simple call tot he police and my father was arrested, but out the next day. Apparantly Chris Brown flee's the scene and then turns himself in, and is now out on something like a $50,000 bail and awaiting trial. Huh? The pictures that everyone is claiming is real of Rihanna's abused face is crap. lol I don't believe it at all. When the story first came out it was said that CB hit her, now they got pictures with her whole face smashed and cut and bruised. It's called Photoshop man.

There is even a damn special episode of MTV News that aired today about the situation; saying the picture was fake, and actually a picture of just someone who looked like Rihanna who just so happened to be in a Domestic Abuse case as well. Whatever man, I know this situation is horrible and what not, but they taxin' the shit outta my man Chris about this whole thing. No lies.

All I know is that CB is a nutcase if he thought he was going to get away scott free after placing even his pinky on Rihanna, and now this whole ordeal has escalated into something that the whole world is talking about, and is really wearing on both of their careers.


Monday, February 9, 2009

Oh Valentines Day.

Fred is a pretty funny guy.
but i`m not sure how excited he makes me about "the day of love" after watching this.

still a good laugh.


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

What about the MAC

There's usually nothing else to do in class but take pictures on the MAC computers. MMA classes are madd boring when you have Ms. Stephens. Ugh.

Therefore, sometimes we just take a quick trip to .... Paris?

*And let me now apologize for actually having this weak ass video on 106 & park.*

Please tell me why I would be doing a dance called the stanky legg, in the club, if at all?
Disgrace to Texas! ahhhhh

Monday, February 2, 2009


The homie Samantha Cooper who has been taking all these badass pictures is going to be posting a lot of her stuff on my blog now. I'm kind of juiced about it lol because now everyone can see her stuff! woot!

anyways, she'll be with it soon enough, so look out!

Meanwhile, we had sushi the other day, yummy yummy sushi. With my favs lil chris williams (ha) and jordan walker.

Ru Son's. Dollar sushi. hmm.. this place is a keeper.

And they sing you happy birthday in english and japanese? or whatever ha.. while making you stand on your chair.. We tried to pull a fast one on them to get a free piece of cake, didn't work. lol

Sunday, February 1, 2009

As always, I've been checking all over for some good mixtapes to burn to listen to in my car. Since I finally have a CD player i been making CD's like a mad woman. ha

Mickey Factz. He's pretty dope.
Shout out to Young Lyxx, who performed at the homie Mums FP mixtape release party last night at cenci.

Naturally ft. Jade - Mickey Factz (