Tuesday, February 3, 2009

What about the MAC

There's usually nothing else to do in class but take pictures on the MAC computers. MMA classes are madd boring when you have Ms. Stephens. Ugh.

Therefore, sometimes we just take a quick trip to .... Paris?

*And let me now apologize for actually having this weak ass video on 106 & park.*

Please tell me why I would be doing a dance called the stanky legg, in the club, if at all?
Disgrace to Texas! ahhhhh

1 comment:

C.jacquelynne said...

NOW WAIT. ATL then got ya head! As a proud Dallas Baby, the true disgrace "its so cold in the D"


youtube that. Stanky leg is the shit in the club pretty much how superman was this time last year. However as always its made Mainstream late. now we are over it. We do the Bobby V.