Friday, January 8, 2010

I think it's time.

That I gave up on the past, old relationships, people in general.

The same people I thought I could count on before, I don't think I can anymore. I don't know if I need all these people in my life right now just complicating things. I may need to drop a few, and drop a few more.

I don't even feel the need to go into detail of each situation, but simply, I have had enough. I can't take being hurt all the time, and pretending like it doesn't bother me, and smile, when we both know I just want to knock the SHIT out of you for what you did, are doing, and will do to me in the future.

I'm angry, I will admit that, but I have all reason to be. And you CAN'T be mad, because you did tell me that you didn't know if even in the future you could give me what I wanted, which has always been... You.

That's cool, I mean I can't do anything to change it, and apparently haven't been able to do anything about it for YEARS. yes, YEARS. So I think this is the end of the end.


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